Limo drivers differ from taxi drivers as they do not pick up fares from the street, instead customers should take appointment in advance. In New Jersey opportunities are good for limo drivers as the city is centered with economical activities, and is a home to well known industries.
Training required to become a Limousine Driver
- Pass high school graduation or diploma.
- Obtain driving license from the state transportation authorities in which you live. In some states you have to pass written, road as well as an eye test to get license.
- You may need to pass drug and criminal background screening. Process and requirements to get driving license may vary from state to state.
- Being a limo driver you may have an opportunity to meet rich, powerful, famous, great achievers many a times.
- Good communication skill is an advantage as you have to deal with a variety of people.
Good professional behavior will helps you to receive more tips. - Improve your map-reading skill as sometimes you may have to refer maps to take best routes while driving unfamiliar areas.
- Develop excellent driving skills; be aware of driving rules, regulations, and the law of the land. Must know necessary repair works, and develop good vehicle maintenance skill. You may wear uniform while on duty. Always keep your dress clean.
Part time Jobs and Salary for Limo Drivers in New Jersey
- People usually like to hire vehicle for special events like weddings, anniversary celebrations, various types of parties and more.
- Go through yellow pages, newspaper classifieds, or job portal. Consult Limo Company in your area.
- Apply for the job, and get on-the-job training. Once you get experience you can start work independently.