Question: hi, I am interested in some good options and companies that offer work from home jobs like data entry, proofreading or envelope stuffing. I am staying in United Kingdom, London
Can you please suggest some reliable employer? I will really appreciate if you suggest some good sites / companies that offer jobs in envelope stuffing jobs from home in uk.
Question2: I am looking for some freelance jobs of writing of address on envelope jobs, stuffing bulk quantity of letters in envelops, if you know any employer who give this type of job work. Please let me know.
Also I want to ask you, how exactly I get these jobs in my area, as writing addresses on envelopes and stuffing envelopes jobs will require me to visit them personally, on regular basis. Please guide me accordingly.
Find Envelop Stuffing Jobs in UK, London
Answer: You are correct, if you are looking for jobs like stuffing letters in envelope (people call it envelope stuffing jobs) in London, then you have to visit the employer personally, these type of jobs are generally part time jobs.
But according to my experience, you will not be able to get what you are working for, Instead of this, if you have some basic knowledge of computers and internet, I will recommend you to go for some good freelance jobs like content writing, data entry.
There are sites like,, which gives you variety of online jobs.
The best benefit you get from these freelance jobs is that you can work remotely from anywhere. You dont have to travel anywhere, everything is done electronically