Temporary student jobs are available in large numbers in India today. Such jobs are primarily restricted to the metropolitan cities. However students who opt for online jobs can get a variety of part time jobs sitting at homes.
The biggest advantage of part time jobs for students is that it allows a lot of flexibility. One can pursue studies as well as can do work for oneself. And if it happens to be a renowned company, the work experience counts in future job hunts.
Temporary jobs in metropolitan cities are offered by both big and small companies. Large companies offer temporary jobs to either meet deadlines or to complete a short term project. Temporary jobs always stand a student in good stead. Some advantages of doing temporary jobs are:
- You get to work with reputed and prestigious companies and Brands
- You get exposed to various jobs
- New skills are honed
- You get to learn from seniors
- Get exposed to different working style, business and work environment
- Get used to various Industries and companies
- Job flexibility
- No long term commitment
- Early experience
Online/Part Time Job for Students/Temporary Student Jobs
Some part time jobs available for students in India are:
- Call centre Jobs - You need to make outbound calls or entertain inbound calls
- Accounting Jobs - Here you need to manage accounts at a basic level
- Retail Store Jobs - Such jobs may include supervising jobs to cashier jobs in retail stores
- Seasonal Jobs - Seasonal jobs like summer or winter sales are weekly or monthly based
- Catering Jobs - You can get to work as waiter, bar tender, supervisor or cook assistant
- Promotional Jobs - These temporary jobs require you to promote newly launched products
- Content Writing Jobs - Such jobs require you to write content for web sites
- Technical writing Jobs - This includes documenting manuals and software
- Data Entry Jobs - In this job you need to enter data like address or additional information
- Medical Transcription Jobs - This job involves typing medical documents.
- Door to door campaign jobs
- Counter sales jobs
- Cashier Jobs
- Typing Jobs
Temporary job can give you fantastic experience and enjoyment. So students need to familiarize themselves with jobs at an early age and add a feather to their cap.