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Bhubaneshwar is the capital of Orissa. This is one of the most developing cities in India. With rapid development there is a considerable increase in the size of population. You can cash in on these factors to start a home based business in the city. Chances of having success are very bright.

Interior Design: Interior design is a very good profession to be started as a home based business. If you can specialize in decorating interiors with minimal expense then you can really look forward to a great prospect. You can have a office in your home and keep pictures of sample decoration.

Gift Baskets: Gift basket creation is a very popular and creative home-based business. If you have an artistic bent of mind and are good at crafts you can start this business. You will be in demand during marriage season or when parties are thrown by corporate groups. When you target both individuals and business houses, you can have a great prospect.

Wedding Planner: If you have experience in organizing important events and have good all round connections you can become a wedding planner. As people have no idea on how to go about marriages you can assist families in arranging for such grand events.

Custom Jewellery Creation: If you are designer craftsmen you can custom design jewellery. Give shape to your creative instinct and market it. If it is good enough you will soon have many takers. Initially the going may be tough but soon you may get orders in bulk.

Laundry Cleaning Service: If you have enough space at home you can convert it into a laundry. Employ a few daily wagers to clean and iron clothes. This business can help you have many instant customers. Once the cleaning service gets going you can get a stronger foothold in the market.

Carpet Cleaning Service: If you know how to clean carpets you can soon start a business of this. Every household find themselves at a loss when it comes to cleaning carpets.

Franchise: If you have space at home you can start a franchise business of a famous snacks brand. You can convert your garage into a snacks outlet. This kind of home based business, involves less headache.

Computer Repair: If you are an efficient hardware engineer you can start a business at home. With computers finding a place in every household you can have a good market in the city
In today's world of online business you can start many home based computer or internet related businesses as well. After a humble beginning you can expand your home based business by having a few employees under you. Some such businesses include:

  • Content writing for websites
  • Online Typing
  • Web designing
  • Data entry
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Advertising
  • Technical writing

How to Start Home Based Business in Bhubaneshwar
It is very important to advertise your presence. Once you start a business you must take all efforts to make people aware of the enterprise.

Advantage of Home Business:
Home based business helps you build a platform for future success. It is only with small steps that a great beginning is made. You cannot dream of becoming an entrepreneur by just being an employee.

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- Last Updated on August 17, 2009, 2:22 pm

- Page Created on August 17, 2009, 2:21 pm


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