Andheri is a busy commercial center in Mumbai. So you can get plenty of jobs in Andheri. Read this page to know more about part time jobs in Andheri.
Andheri is one of the most important commercial areas of Mumbai. You can come across several, movie theaters, entertainment parks, Clubs, sports complexes and shopping malls. It also houses several small and large businesses. The area is replete with schools, computer centers and several government and private offices. As it is a busy commercial centre, you can find all types of jobs in Andheri, including part time jobs.
Part Time Jobs in Andheri
If you are looking for part time jobs in Andheri you can find plenty of them. Some jobs or posts however have more number of openings. Some such jobs are:
Part Time Jobs for Accountants
Being the commercial nerve center of Mumbai there is a huge demand for both male and female part time accountants. Their precise job is to maintain accounts and book keeping. Candidates pursuing a course in accounts or fresh pass outs are usually considered for such jobs. As there is no dearth of companies here, you can easily find as many part time jobs as you wish to have. Together they may compensate for a full time job.
Receptionists Jobs in Andheri East / West
All small and big offices in Andheri are in need of receptionists to take care of official records and other activities. There are openings for part time receptionists as well. They work on an hourly basis and are mostly required during busy hours.
Retail Jobs
As Andheri houses several malls and retail stores, you can find plenty of part time jobs with the retail sector. Posiions usually available include sales agent, cashier, supervisor, accountant etc.
Work from Home Call Center / BPO Jobs in Andheri East and West
There are several call centers in Andheri. If you have good communication skills you can get plenty of openings for a telesales. This includes part time openings. With huge paucity of skilled telesales workforce companies have even started part timing the jobs. This has been done to draw house wives, students, and retired people into the stream.
Data Entry Jobs
If you are interested in doing data entry jobs, I would suggest you that before signing up with any company just check the creditability of that company.
Basically you will be given hard copy of data in book or magazine format, and you will have to do entries of those data in computers.
A company like Jademagnet provides freelance data entry jobs.